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Version: 3.0

Flex API

This page describes how to use the class based flex APIs and supports three types of class-selectors: fx-flex, fx-flex-fill and fx-flex-align.

fx-flex classes

The flex API consists of classes with the following names and their resulting CSS:

fx-flexflex: 1 1 0;
fx-flex-autoflex-basis: 100%;
fx-flex-growflex: 1 1 100%;
fx-flex-initialflex: 0 1 auto;
fx-flex-noneflex: 0 0 auto;
fx-flex-nogrowflex: 0 1 auto;
fx-flex-noshrinkflex: 1 0 auto;

Support for flex sizes

Additionally, you can generate flex size selectors using the mixins as shown in the following example. They will extend the fx-flex classes with the following schema

fx-flex--<number>flex: 1 1 <number>%;
e.g. fx-flex--30flex: 1 1 30%;

This can be used to give elements a width with the percentage of the numerical value in relation to their flex container.

@include fx.flex-size-class-selectors;
@include fx.flex-size-class-selectors-from-list(33 66);

The mixins can be configured with parameters to generate only the selectors you need. The first mixin can generate a range of selectors with a configurable start and end and a given increment.

The second mixin will generate only selectors for the numbers passed as the first argument.

Both mixins can generate selectors for the responsive API (e.g. fx-flex--50--gt-sm)

fx-flex-fill class

The fx-flex-fill class can be used to make a child of a flex-container fill the entire container. It takes no arguments and adds the following properties to the element:

margin: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
min-width: 100%;
min-height: 100%;

fx-flex-align selectors

We offer the following flex align classes with their resulting CSS:

fx-flex-align--startalign-self: flex-start;
fx-flex-align--centeralign-self: center;
fx-flex-align--endalign-self: flex-end;
fx-flex-align--baselinealign-self: baseline;
fx-flex-align--stretchalign-self: stretch;